Who's Who; Steve Wozniak

From Left; Jobs, Wozniak.
Steve Gary Wozniak was an American Inventor, programmer, and philanthropist primarily know for his contributions to the personal computer revolution of the 1970's and 1980's and co-founder of Apple Computers. Wozniak single-handedly built the Apple I and primarily built the Apple II the two computers that launched Apple into the mainstream. Wozniak, born in San Jose, California, since childhood always was interested in the future and technology. Steve credits this to his interest in Star Trek as a child. Steve attended the University of Boulder Colorado where he was expelled for hacking into the school's computer system. He then enrolled in De Anza College where he soon transferred to the University of Califronia, Berkeley. At this time Wozniak was employed to make calculators for Hewlett-Packard, it was also during this time that he befriended Steve Jobs. In the 8 year span from 1969-1977, Wozniak had met Steve Jobs, Started Apple in Jobs' garage, and had released the Apple I. Wozniak tried to sell the invention to HP but were turned down five times. Wozniak grew desperate and nearly sold off the Apple I as a mere pre-assembled circuit board, however after some convincing from Jobs, Wozniak carried on. They needed money so Wozniak sold his HP scientific calculator and Jobs sold his Volkswagen Van to create the first units of the  Apple computer. The rest is history as Apple found incredible success and was able to last all the way till today, 30+ years after it's creation is a dominant prescence in the tech industry. All out of a garage with two young men with a goal.


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