John Wooden's Pyramid of Success.

Block 1: Industriousness
"There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning."

The First block of John Wooden's pyramid of success is industriousness. Which is the will to work hard and do work as John Wooden describes it. It is a critical part of the pyramid because worthwhile results only come from hard work and careful planning. You cannot expect to do great work if you refuse to work hard and refuse to prepare for it. If you wait till the last minute of the days to get your work started, you have already failed. The fruition of your labor will be not great and you will feel like you wasted time just doing the work because you rushed it and it is not the work you know you are able to accomplish. If you prepare your work in advance and are passionate about it, the fruits of your labor will be sweet and worthwhile. That is what this key of industriousness is conveying. Work diligently, passionately, and tirelessly and you will find that your work is highly regarded and held with high-esteem.

Block 2Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."

Steve Irwin, Enthusiasm with animals was his key to fame
The Second block of John Wooden's pyramid of success is Enthusiasm. This block is one that John Wooden holds in high regard. As he is quoted to saying " It is the engine that powers all block of the Pyramid." John Wooden would not hold this block in such high esteem if it was frivolous and non-important. Enthusiasm is valued in all facets of life as it makes any task a breeze. As long as you hold enthusiasm to something, you will have an unsurprising amount of tolerance to anything. Enthusiasm makes the difference in anything as if you are enthusiastic you are willing to do great work and not skimp out on important working and planning time as the previous block, Industriousness, advises us not to do. Enthusiasm pays its dividends when you want to get something done. Motivation, determination, and satisfaction all stem from enthusiasm as if you aren't doing something because you want to do it, it will not be easy nor enjoyable for you.

Block 3Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."

The third block of John Wooden's pyramid of success is Friendship. John Wooden does not give an exact definition for friendship but that is uncessary as we all know what friendship is. However difficult it is to explain, we all have experienced it, we all know when it's there and when it is not. John Wooden says it comes down to mutual respect and esteem, it must not be taken for granted and requires joint effort. If you have associates that do not respect you, they are not your friends. There needs to a sense of respect between both parties because no matter how close you seem, a lack of respect in any of the two people means they might do or in some cases not do something a friend will do for you. I once knew a young man named Pedro, I thought he was my best friend but he did not respect me. I decided to stop talking to him in November of 2017 and my quality of life had increased tenfold. Things I could never see happening are now happening. It isn't a coincedence that I began to succeed when I dropped this friend and his toxic, unsupportive, and disrespectful, nature. This is also the case for many other people, such as Shaquille O' Neal. You have to find friendship in those who respect you. It cannot be taken for granted how important mutal respect is between friends.

Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."

The fourth block of John Wooden's pyramid of success is Loyalty. Loyalty is defined as a strong feeling of support or allegiance to a person or organization. Loyalty is a critical block in the pyramid of success because it makes you more likeable and trustable. If you spend years with an organization or person and leave when things get tough. You are not loyal, these type of people are known as fair weather fans in sports. To have loyalty, you must go through thick and thin with whatever you pledge allegiance to. Loyalty is an important keystone in the pursuit of success. As if you are constantly dropping activities and opportuinities when they get difficult, organizations will look at that and realize that you have no loyalty. Why should they hire someone that isn't willing to work hard and do their best for this organization? One such person with a loyalty complex is Bill Gates. Instead of joining Apple when Microsoft fell into financial trouble Bill fastened himself down and made sure he was not going to take the easiest path. He remained loyal to the company he started from the ground up in his Mother's garage. And refused to take the way of quitters and unloyal people.

Block 5: Cooperation

"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. "

The fifth block of John Wooden's pyramid of success is Cooperation. Cooperation is the property of willing to work together with your peers and coworkers. Cooperation is an important block in the pyramid of success because your employment, 98% of the time, boils down to how well you can work with people. You could be the best in the world at what you do but if you refuse to but are unable to cooperate with others, you simply cannot compete with someone who might be one of the best 10 or 20 people in your field but has excellent cooperation aptitudes. They will be the person everyone wants to hire. Cooperation is important because you will always need it in life and in school. Many people think they can go about life only caring and considering about themselves. This is simply not true, you must actively try and involve others and get them to like you because otherwise you will be taking the hardest road. Say an individual is in college and doesn't actively try and pursue connections. How will this student find a job after commencement? How will this student get the necessary help he needs whenever he is at a crossroads on an assignment? This is why cooperation is important. Cooperation leads to people liking you which leads to connection and which leads to success. Cooperation is key.

Block 6: Ambition (For noble goals)

The Sixth Block of John Wooden's pyramid of success is Ambition. Ambition is the quality of having the strong will to aheive or do something. Typically, ambition requires hard work and determination. Ambition is a block in Wooden's pyramid of success because in order to pursue great work and do great things, you have to have ambition. You have to want to pursue those things and have the simple thought of them be enough to drive you. John Wooden points out that these goals should be noble. Because there is a distinction between good and bad goals. A good, noble, is to get a job or get in to college. A bad goal is having the intention to do bad things. Ambition is important because it can help you reach your goals that you set for yourself. If you want to know what ambition looks like. Look no further than any successful person. Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, the one thing all these great men had in common is their ambition to do great things. They knew the world was theirs for the changing so they set a goal and stuck through with it and now they're seen as some of the greatest people of all time. 

Block 7: Self-Control

"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."

The Seventh Block of John Wooden's pyramid of success is Self-Control. Self-
Control, as John Wooden describes is the practice of self-discipline and keeping your emotions under control. In addition to this, John Wooden quips that good judgemend and common sense are essential. In layman's terms John Wooden is to saying to not overinterpret and overthink things while also having the willpower to not do something you will regret later. Someone who let their emotions get the best of them was Ian Curtis. Lead singer of 70's band, Joy Division. Curtis was suffering from Epilepsy and Depression but did not practice self-control is combatting these demons. Curtis had an irregular sleep schedule and would drink and smoke which are things you SHOULD NOT do when you have epilepsy. In conjuction with this, Curtis was having an affair while his wife was pregnant with a soon to be daughter. Curtis unfortunately did not practice good judgement and common sense and realize that was he was doing was not the best for his health. Curtis also did not practive self-discipline by continuing to smoke and drink as an epileptic. Sadly, Curtis could not keep his emotions under control as he took his own life on May 18th, 1980. If Curtis had practiced the seventh keystone as John Wooden prescribed, maybe he would have seen the error in his ways and we would be talking about the Great Ian Curtis not the late Ian Curtis. 

Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."

The Eighth Block of The Twenty Five blocks in John Wooden's pyramid of success is Alertness. Alertness, as described by John Wooden is the quality of being observing constantly, being eager to learn and improve. When John Wooden says to be alert, he does not mean as to be like a deer in the forest, jumping at every sound. John Wooden means to be aware of your opportunities and to stay alert about them. You must seized any opportunity you come across and are interested in. You never hear about someone successful when they are very passive and let all their opportunities pass them by. There is good reason for this because If you are passive and refuse to partake in any activity that presents itself to you, then you will find that doing anything in life is exceedingly difficult as you have no where to start. If you instead took advantage of every opportunity presented to you, then you would find that you have a seemingly endless amount of avenues you can take to enrich yourself in success. One person to realize this John Wooden. He took chances on players he thought could be great people and great basketball players. He never let a player slip through his hands because they would have not been coachable. He took as much chance as he could.

Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."

The Ninth Block of The Twenty Five blocks in John Wooden's pyramid of success is Initiative. John Wooden describes initiative as the ability to make decisions and think alone while not fearing failure. When Wooden says to have initative, he wants you to remain vigilant and hungry for opportunity. It reflects back to block six of the pyramid which is Initative. You cannot be passive in waiting for opportunity to fall in your lap. You must pursue your destiny and refuse to sit still and let opportunity pass you by. Because if you refuse to chase any opportunity you find yourself stuck in mediocrity and having little to no success in life as you find yourself wondering how you got there. You have to want to pursue those things and have the simple thought of them be enough to drive you. John Wooden points out that these goals should be noble. Because there is a distinction between good and bad goals. A good, noble, is to get a job or get in to college. A bad goal is having the intention to do bad things. Initative is important because it can help you reach your goals that you set for yourself. If you want to know what initativelooks like. Look no further than any successful person. Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, the one thing all these great men had in common is their initative to do great things. They knew the world was theirs for the changing so they set a goal and stuck through with it and now they're seen as some of the greatest people of all time.

Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent."

The Tenth Block of John Wooden's pyramid of success is Intentness. John Wooden describes intentness as setting realistic goals and concentration on its achievement. Intentness to me is being able to set a goal and pursue it. Instead of saying "Gee, I really wish I could be a great basketball player" and doing nothing. You must have the intentness to set a goal of being a great basketball player and work towards it tirelessly to complete it. NBA Legend Larry Bird said; "A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals."You cannot become anything you want by just wishing for it. That is only in fairy-tales. In this world you work for your talents. Having the property of intentness greatly facilitates how you can develop current skills and develop new ones. You must have intentness if you want things to happen and you want them to happen as fast as possble. I try to have intentness in everything I do as I want to get things done because I know there is no better way than having the intentness and determination to get these things done.

Block 11: Sincerity (keeps friends)

The Eleventh Block of John Wooden's 25 blocks of his pyramid of success is Sincerity. John Wooden describes sincerity simply as it allows you keep friends. Which is an important stepping stone in the pursuit of success. As mentioned in block 5, cooperation is the key to building relationships. Cooperation is an aspect of sincerity. John Wooden himself is quoted to say  “Sincerity may not help us make friends, but it will help us keep them.” I think this is a very true statement as being sincere makes people see you as more than just an aquaintance. Showing sincerity shows that you know you aren't better than anyone else, Sincerity displays merit and good self-analysis. If you always are sincere and are never superficial, then you can easily keep and make friends. It shows that you have a certain sense of respect towards other by not being a 2D person and displays that you acknowledge your own faults and are self-analyzing your mistakes. You should continue to always try to be sincere with your friends, family, and or spouse. Sincerity makes all the difference as it shows that you are also human. 

Block 12: Adaptability (to any situation)

The Twelfth Block of John Wooden's 25 blocks of his pyramid of success is adaptability. John Wooden says to have adaptability to any situation. It is crucial to be able to adapt to any situation. If you have adaptability you will be able to overcome any adversity much more easier. This is because if you have adapatability you will have the confidence to not be uncomefortable in many situations or at least as for a shorter time than mos
t people. A lot of people would come across a situation and overthink it because of their inability to adapt. They feel uneased and uncomfortable because they know the situation is easy to overcome. Despite knowing this, they will struggle to overcome it because they lack adaptability. It doesn't necessarily mean they don't want to overcome it and they choose not to adapt. In a lot of cases they just lack the ability to adapt. Someone or some people that can adapt are The Beatles. In the early 60's they were a rock-and-roll boy band that started the British Invasion in the United States. At the time, The Beatles were on top of the world because they were so popular. With millions of fans. But as they got older and the music industry changed. So did the Beatles. They went from mop-top haircuts to long beards and long hair in conjuction with the hippie movement. As a result from 1964-1970,The Beatles were consistently one of the top bands in the world. Improvise, adapt, and overcome.

Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated." 

The Thirteenth Block of John Wooden's twenty-five blocks of his pyramid of success is Condition. John Wooden describes Condition as the Mental, Moral and Physcial. Much like conditioning to run a marathon, you should condition each aspect of the given ones that John Wooden provides so that they can become stronger everyday. Because if they are not exercised daily, they will begin to weaken. So you're mind, body, and emotions are weaker and more vulnerable. However, if you choose to condtition each of these aspects then you will see that It is much easier to live your life even through hardships as you now have the conditioning and endurance from training each of the aspects of your body. Maintaining your current condtitioning is important as well, you cannot expect to continue to grow if you do not practice basic maintainance as well. If you refrain from doing any conditioning then every small problem will be like huge mountain for you as you are not conditioned to see how to handle new things. 

Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."

The Fourteenth Block is John Wooden's twenty-five blocks in his famous pyramid of success is Skill. John Wooden describes skill as knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Being prepared and cover every little detail. Skill is important because it is better to excel at one or a few things as opposed to knowing how to do a little bit of everything. Skill makes everything that much easier. If you are going into a certain profession it is best for you to be highly skilled in said subject. As you will be the person people go to whever someone is seeking assistance or just chooses to appreciate someone skilled in their craft. Being skilled does not mean being really good in some aspects and having glaring weaknesses in others, it means you must be able to answer any potential question or counter any potential situation thrown at you. It is highly important you be skilled in whatever you do. Someone who has skill for their passion or occupation is Jimmy Page, he is widely referred as one of the best guitar players ever as he has the skill to show for it. When you hear any Led Zeppelin song, the first thing that comes to mind is likely the intricate guitar work. Skill made Jimmy Page.

Block 15:  Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."

The fifteenth block of John Wooden's twenty-five blocks in his famous pyramid of success is Team Spirit. Wooden describes Team Spirit as the genuine consideration for others and an eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all. It is indeed important to always have team spirit in whatever situation as team spirit will make people like you and become consumed by your leadership skills. If you don't have or refuse to have team spirit then it will become increasingly more apparent that you are not the leader people want. In a real life example, Russell Westbrook of the Oklahoma City Thunder is known as a phenomonal player which he most definitely is. In the same league, is Stephen Curry who is considered a once in a generation type of player. They're are many similarities between Curry and Westbrook, they're both point guards, both 6'3, and both are considered Top 10 players in the NBA. However the thing that sets them apart is their Team Spirit. It is commonly argued that Westbrook is a selfish player in it for his own stats, which is true as Russell is a very ball-dominant player. Stephen on the other hand, is widely known as a very team-first player. He doesn't need the ball in his hand to be effective. Defenses cower in fear of Curry's mere prescense while as long as Westbrook isn't running, then he's stoppable. Both players possess great offensive talent but it is their team spirit which sets them apart. If Curry isn't having a great shooting night, he has the team spirit to focus on the defense and playmaking aspect of the game. While if Westbrook is having a cold night, then he shoots himself out of it. Team Spirit makes Stephen a greater leader and captain. The most glaring example of the dichotomy between Curry and Westbrook, is Kevin Durant. Who left Westbrook to join Curry. Now doesn't that speak tons about how different the two players are. 

Block 16: Honesty (in thought and action)
"Honesty is the best policy." (Ben Franklin)

The fifteenth block in John Wooden's 25 block pyramid of success is Honesty. John Wooden says to use honesty in thought and action. Honesty is the quality of being honest. To be honest is being free of deceit and untruthfullness or sincere. It is best to be honest in everything you do so that way, the paths and avenues that unfold for you are paths that interest you and represent you. If you chose to not be yourself and imitate the actions of others that do not represent you then you will find that the avenues and paths that unfold are not worth your time. A person who displays this honesty is Demetri Martin. He was on a full-ride scholarship at NYU with 2 years completed when he decided that he wanted to do something different. He dropped out after his entire life of working towards geting to that point. He realized it wasn't meant for him and he had the honesty to quit and find what interested him. This displayed honesty as he stayed true to himself and did not drag through his last 2 years at NYU and decided immediatly what was best for him and did what he wanted to do and what a he thought was best for himself. He considered the risks but still followed through with his passion. A true trait of Honesty.

Block 17: Resourcefulness (proper judgment)
 “Make the most out of what you have.” (Anonymous)

"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it. (Jennifer Witterick)

The seventeenth block of John Wooden's twenty-five block pyramid of success is Resourcefullness. Which is also referred to as proper judgement by John Wooden. With a quote from Jennifer Witterick saying that if you have dream, tolook within yourself because that is where resourcefullness resides. One person with resourcefulness would be Kobe Bryant. Who is known for being a star player for the Los Angeles Lakers. However he did not want that to be his only accolades and acheivement in life. As post-retirement, he is still the Black Mamba. He has recently won an oscar for his animated short-film, "Dear, Basketball" In addition to this. Bryant is actively expanding his buisness portfolio as an owner of a corperation. This is a perfect example of resourcefullness as Bryant used his stardom from basketball to have a following right from the beginning to be able to have immediate exposure in the industry. He additionally used capital he accquired via sponsorships and NBA contracts to fund his expeditions. 60% of retiring NBA players go bankrupt within 5 years. Unlike his predeccesors, Bryant is wisely investing his money and will likely not go bankrupt. All because of his resourcefullness. 

Block 18: Poise

"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."

The eighteenth block of John Wooden's twenty-five block pyramid of success is Poise. John Wooden describes poise as "just being yourself" and "Being at ease in any situation. The dictionary definintion of poise is "graceful and elegant bearing in a person." Poise is somethign everyone should have as everyone should be themselves. No person should have to try and be someone else to get others to like them, it is great to emulate some people but you should not be a carbon copy of them. If you want to be successfull, it is wise to copy the lifestyle and actions of others succsessful people such as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos but living your life like theirs will not amount to anything because although both Musk and Bezos are probably some of the most intelligent and hard working people on the planet, there was luck involved in their success. That is where poise comes into play. If you choose to work hard and learn from the mistakes of others than you will amount to great things, only if you be yourself. Because if you are someone you are not then people will not like you for you, they like you for the person you are trying to emulate. It is very important that you do not lose sight of this and how crucial it is to be yourself and at ease in any situation, poise. Someone with poise is Jerry Seinfeld. Although he is not as successful as some of the more raunchy and edgy comedians, and he could be successful if he imitated them, He doesn't as he has poise. He is a clean comedian and is a good comedian because of his personality. He is himself and that makes him at ease in any situation. 

Block 19: Confidence 
"Thorough preparation breeds confidence" Gerald Bell in
"The Carolina Way"

The Ninteenth block of John Wooden's twenty-five block pyramid of success is Confidence. Gerald Bell says that if you are prepared, you will gain confidence. I think this is especially true as the more and more you practice something and prepare for it. The less and less you will be intimidated by it. Which is confidence. Someone with confidence gained through preparation is Rivers Cuomo. Rivers Cuomo is the frontman of the rock band Weezer. At the beginning of his career he was known as the shy nerdy rock singer on stage. Having a very minimal stage prescense. Just singing and playing his Fender Stratocaster. However as he played more and more concerts, he became more energized and vivacious. No longer would he just stand still playing the guitar while singing, but now he was moving and showing a lot more emotion while singing. As Weezer became more and more respected he gained this unstoppable confidence. Confidence is the key to success as with it, you can do greater and greater things without feeling doubt. That is why it is a block in John Wooden's pyamid. Without confidence, your chances of success are minimal and low.

Block 20: Reliability (creates respect)

The Twentieth block of John Wooden's 25 block pyramid of success is Reliability. John Wooden says reliability creates respect. It is important to be reliable because when you are reliable people respect you and find that it is easier to find trust in you to do things because you are reliable. They will trust you to get things done. And if they trust you to get things done, then you will find that you will be presented with more and more opportunities since they think you are reliable and up for the challenge. That is why it is criticial to find that reliability is an important life skill. If you want to be respected in any facet you need to be reliable. Have that be the government, work, or with your friends. Reliability creates respect. The government sees you as reliable due to your credit score. Which makes them respect you when you ask for a loan or want to buy a house. If you have a bad credit score, they will have a lack of respect for you. They would have no reason to grant you money since you are unreliable. In work, being reliable by coming in everyday, on-time, will make you reliable. With your friends, keeping your word makes you reliable. 

Block 21: Fight (determined effort)

The 21 block of John Wooden's 25 block pyramid of success is Fight. Or determined effort. John Wooden says Fight is determined effort, not a physical fist fight. In Wooden's words, fight is will and/or determined effort. A person should not just succumb to defeat and give up at the first sign of challenge or doubt. That is not the right mindset. They should fight and have determined effort until the final buzzer sounds. LeBron James and his 2016 Cleveland Caveliers were down 3-1 in the NBA Finals and all had seemed lost for the Cavs. However, they had enough fight and did not see coming back as an impossibility. So they kept fighting and what would you know, they came back. From down 3-1 to winning 4-3. It was a historic moment that inspired many because the Caveliers had fight.

Block 22: Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."

The twenty-second block of John Wooden's twenty-five block of his pyramid of success is competetive greatness. John Wooden describes competetitive greatness as being you best when your best is needed and enjoyment of a difficult challenge. Competitive greatness, I think is what most people mean when they say "clutch" many people say Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. Which they are not wrong to think. Jordan and Bryant are synonomyous with the term clutch. They were the last people you wanted to be holding the basketball at the end of a close game. You knew that when they had the ball, points were sure to follow. This is competitive greatness at it's peak. Both have their moments of greatness when their team needed it. That is the competitive greatness John Wooden includes in his pyramid of success. Be able to rise to the occasion on demand, when needed.

Block 23: Integrity (purity of intention)

The Twenty-third block of John Wooden's twenty-five blocks of his pyramid of success is Integrity, or purity of intention. Integrity is described as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Integrity is also described as moral uprightness. What John Wooden meant when he included integrity on his pyramid of success was to have persons strive towards moral excellance. No one had more moral excellance than the late Fred Rodgers. Primarily known for his character on his own show, "Mr. Rodger's Neigborhood", Fred Rodgers was displeased with the way television was addressing children at the time. Rodgers began to be the change he wanted to see in the world and began to write and perform for his local area TV shows. Rodgers set a good example for growing childern for generations. He made it a point to never say any foul language, or depict harmful images in his television show. Rodgers made his show as wholesome as possible.

Block 24: Faith (through prayer)
Believe and Achieve. Positive belief.

The Twenty-Fourth block of John Wooden's twenty-five block pyramid of success is faith. John Wooden tells us to have faith through prayer, although it it is not limited to faith. Having Faith is believing to acheive and positive belief. You must have faith in order to acheive if you do not have faith, any minor setbeck will seem 10 times worse than it actually is and it will seem daunting to get back into the groove of things. That is why faith is important. If you believe that you can you will. It should be emphasized that no matter how many setbacks you face, things will always work out in the end. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team and was devastated. He remained faithful however and continued to pursue the sport of basketball. He continued to have faith and it played off. Firstly getting a spot on the roster of UNCMBB. Then getting drafted third in the 1984 NBA draft. And eventually winning 6 NBA Titles in 8 years and the only years he didn't, Michael did not play. It is important to never lose sight of what you're working for.

Block 25: Patience (good things take time)

The Twenty-Fifth and final block of John Wooden's pyramid of success is patience. John Wooden describes patience as knowing that good things take time. Patience is important because if you go about life expecting that good things will happen as soon as possible and do not practive patience, you will not have a good life. Patience is not taking times to do things, that is procrastination. Patience is knowledge that good things take time to ferment and transpire. You can't expect to get into Harvard in a day. That takes patience. You can avoid so much unnecessary stress by practicing patience. With patience you will not stress about the end or beginning of things. Keeping a patient mindset is key towards growing as a person. One person with a patient mindset is J.K. Rowling, her famous Harry Potter series was turned downed by multiple publishing companies and then once published, it became a sensation.

Write one final reflection, at least 25 sentences or 300 words, on the 25 blocks of the Pyramid of Success. Include this reflection at the end of your Pyramid of Success post. Include a picture or two. 

The pyramid of success has been concluded as of April 30th, 2018. After experiencing the pyramid of success and all of its blocks, I can see how it will play a part in my life. Revisiting, from the first block, I can say I will begin to increase my work ethic by practicing industriousness. The second block is Enthusiasm, I can be more optimistic undertaking actions because of enthusiasm. The third block is friendship and I practice it by being more cooperative and friendly. The fourth block is Loyalty, I can practice loyalty by making sure people trust me. The fifth block is cooperation, I practice cooperation by communicating my ideas and listening to others. The sixth block ambition, I practice ambition by pursuing greatness. The seventh block is self-control which I practice by not being gluttonus or promiscuos. The eighth block is alertness which I practice be always being mentally fortified for any situation. The ninth block is initiative which I display with my leadship skills. The tenth block is intentness which I display by making SMART goals. The eleventh block is sincerity which I display by being honest. The twelfth block is adaptabillity which I display by welcoming change and challenges. The thirteenth block is condition which I display by being healthy mentally, morally, and physcially. The fourteenth block is skill which I display by specializing in some fields and as a result am pretty good at them. The fifteenth block is team spirit which I display by always having genuine consideration for others. The sixteenth block is honesty which I display by being sincere. The seventeenth block is resourcefullness which I display by taking all opportunities presented to me. The eighteenth block is poise which I display by being myself and being comfortable in doing so. The ninteenth block is confidence which I display by never backing down to adversity and being confident in my ability. The Twentieth block is reliability which I display by being somone who can be trusted. The twenty-first block is fight which I display by being persistent and not a quitter. The twenty-second block is competitive greatness which I display by always wanted to win and come out on top. The twenty-third block is integrity which I display by only doing actions I am sincere about. The twenty-fourth block is faith which I practice by believing in myself. The final twenty-fifth block is patience which I display by never rushing change. John Wooden's Pyramid of Success and all twenty-five blocks in it will help me strive to become a better person.


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