10 Keys To Personal Power

10 Keys To Personal Power by Brian Tracy

Key 1Clarity
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life.  Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going.  If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."

Elon Musk's IP's. All because he had clarity.
The First Key to Personal Power by Brian Tracy is to have clarity. Have goals and aspirations and life. Drifting along in life with no perceivable goals in your life is a dangerous game. You can end up, as Brian Tracy claims, working for others who do have clarity and knowing what they want. Is is critical to have a plan and know what you're working for.  If you do not know what your goals and aspirations are, it will be exceedingly difficult for you to succeed. You will find yourself lost in the plane of mediocrity. Failure is soon to follow as well. You will not have anything to work for and will end up a failure. With mediocrity justifiably as bad. You must do everything in your power to make sure you have clarity and find a way to get through life as a success. If you refrain to work towards your improvement, you will see that it will lead to nothing but failure, sorrow, and sadness. Having goals is important in life because it will make you successful. Most successful people don't become successful simply by chance, they pursue success. Some of them did come across a discovery or innovation by chance but they did not let it take them halfway there. If they did not pursue continual success. Yes they might have still been successful but the pursuit makes their success 10x greater. Elon Musk did not come across a lucky discovery or make a groundbreaking invention. But he had the clarity and pursuit of success to become the billionaire god that he became. 

Key 2Competence

"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

The Second Key to Personal Power by Brian Tracy is to have competence. Competence is the ability to do something effectively or efficiently. If you have competence in life you are able to commit to excellence as Brian Tracy says. With your commitment to excellence, opportunities will actively come your way, and if you continue to be committed, more fortune will find its way to you. Someone that has competence is LeBron James. James was committed to excellence as soon as he stepped on an NBA court in 2003. He continuously improved his game and training every year, season after season. The results were apparent. First an MVP, then a Finals Appearance, Then an NBA Championship. All while James was the star of his team. That is committing to excellence. James was competent from the start. He knew he was good, but he knew he could always be better. Lebron always made sure to use his off season as time to improve something of his game. That is why he is still the best player in the NBA at the age of 33 and in his 15th NBA Season. LeBron is competence.

Key 3Concentration

"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself “Is this the best use of my time?” before you start anything."

The Third Key to Personal Power by Brian Tracy is to have concentration. Concentration is not only staying locked in at all times for whatever task you are doing. It is also making the best use of your time. It is important to not only know what you want to do but also what you want to accomplish. If you don't know what you want to accomplish and just go into tasks just thinking you'll just go with the flow. You must concentrate on what you're doing and how much you're going to do it. If you remain diligent and keep your focus, you will succeed in anything you put your mind to. You have to keep yourself locked in so you can succeed just as many other before you have done. People like Mark Zuckerberg continually kept their concentration to develop their craft. Mark Zuckerberg didn't work on facebook for an hour and called it sufficient. Mark worked upwards of 9-10 hours a day perfecting it and making it better. Many might say 9-10 hours is too much, 10 hours is a lot of time but it is never too much making your craft better. Zuckerberg has the drive,determination, and concentration to have allotted this time for Facebook. Zuckerberg is now a billionaire at 33 years old, all because he had the concentration to tunnel-vision his way through Facebook. Not giving up despite how hard it became and how frustrated he would get. Even after Facebook was a relatively finished product, Zuck still faced hardships when companies did not give him the time of day for him to pitch and sell his product but he also remained concentrated in that aspect. Concentration is Key 

Key 4Common Sense
  • Train your mind
  • think things through
  • listen to your intuition
  • learn from setbacks
The Fourth Key to Personal power by Brian Tracy is to have common sense. Common sense is most critical for developing yourself and learning from your mistakes.The saying "A wise man learns from his or others mistakes while a foolish man doesn't learn at all." is an important one because if you don't learn from your mistakes you cannot grow as a person as many others will. If you choose to follow the four steps of training your mind, thinking things through, listening to your intuition, and learning from your setbacks as Brian Tracy explains, then you will go far. If your sit back and expect things to happen then you are in for a shock because you cannot get something from nothing. Just as the laws of physics explains. You cannot expect to receive something for doing nothing or giving nothing. Brian Tracy explains this in his speeches. An example of this is trait is Wayne Gretzky, he used his common sense and learned from each of his mistakes in order to become better and develop in his hockey career. He now holds 61 major records in hockey including most assists and points. 

Key 5Creativity

"Except the fact that every human being is a genius.  The hallmark of creativity is asking questions.  The people who are most creative ask the most questions."

The Fifth Key to Personal power by Brian Tracy is to have creativity. Brian Tracy says most creative people ask the most questions. I think this is true because you need to ask questions to have a clear understanding of what it is you should be thinking. For example the late Bob Ross, in his television program, "The Joy of Painting", Ross would always start the show off saying what they were going to paint. He didn't know exactly how it would look but he had an idea of how he would like it to look. Ross went into great detail about how great painting is when you have creativity and work with what the canvas presents you with. Ross also had think of these paintings before hand, drawing a mock up and then recreating that while the cameras were rolling.  If Bob Ross decided not to practice the painting beforehand, he is creatively gifted enough to think about it on the fly but it is not wise to go into something unprepared. Another person with creativity was Markkus "Notch" Pearson. Creator of Minecraft. He simply had an idea from his creativity and ran with it. He also had a clear outline with his creativity and took off from there. Eventually selling his shares in the company and acquiring billions. They had creativity but also had the questions to take them farther. Questions like "how can I improve my craft" and they continued to pursue excellence and as a result so much fame and fortune. 

Key 6Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.  Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."

"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."
The Sixth Key to Personal Power by Brian Tracy is to have consideration which means to value and care for the opinions,beliefs and feelings of others. Brian Tracy says the quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life. This is greatly true as even if you don't want to believe it,the opinions of others heavily influence the success that you are capable of. You can be the greatest worker or the smartest person of all time but if you do not have the people skills to compliment these aptitudes, you will find that your success is greatly hindered. If you do not value your relationships with others, then people will see you as a jerk that they don't like and if they are wicked enough, they will do all in their power to make you fail. Even if they don't hate your guts, it is still a possibility they give someone else the big job as opposed to you. Simply because they like the other person more even if you are more skilled. A real life example of this is Russell Westbrook, he is a phenomenal basketball player yet no one wants to play with him because of his ballhog attitude, and the only reason why his two best teammates, Paul George and Carmelo are with him are because they arrived their via trade. If Russell Westbrook attempted to cherish his player relationships then he would likely have an NBA championship. That is why the Golden State Warriors are in such a good position.They value team chemistry and relationships and as a result, they trust each other on the court. No one ever tries to play hero ball on the Warriors, it is always TEAM ball getting everyone involved. 

Key 7Consistency
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."

Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work.  Be the person that people can depend upon.  That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."

The Seventh Key to Personal Power by Brian Tracy is to have consistency which he describes as dependable and having a nice even pace. Brian Tracy says this is superior to doing fast spurts of work as you can be consistent which makes you dependable. If you are always working at the same pace and not working a lot for a few hours than none at all it will make you more dependable. It requires patience and discipline but it will be better for you in the long run. If you can be consistent in the amount of work you do then you will have no problem making progress towards anything you can imagine. Too many people do a lot of work at one time and rest for a usually even longer period. But the people who work persistently and diligently are the ones with the most success and more revered for their success. One real life example is the Spurs organization of the NBA. The San Antonio Spurs have remained at the top of the NBA every year for the past two decades because why? because they're consistent. They never put all their chips in one year to try and guarantee a championship. They consistently develop their team and if they do not acquire any big-name free agents, they fill the roster with role players and make every roster spot a useful one. They develop their players to fit their system and never rush anything to try and win a championship or two in a year. It is the Spurs continued excellence that makes them consistent and dependable. It must be great to be able to buy a Spurs jersey and know that you will get years and possibly decades [Duncan, Parker, Ginobili] out of it. 
51 Seasons Table
Season Lg Team W L W/L% Playoffs Coaches Top WS
2017-18NBASan Antonio Spurs3218.640G. Popovich (32-18)L. Aldridge (6.7)
2016-17NBASan Antonio Spurs*6121.744Lost W. Conf. FinalsG. Popovich (61-21)K. Leonard (13.6)
2015-16NBASan Antonio Spurs*6715.817Lost W. Conf. SemisG. Popovich (67-15)K. Leonard (13.7)
2014-15NBASan Antonio Spurs*5527.671Lost W. Conf. 1st Rnd.G. Popovich (55-27)T. Duncan (9.6)
2013-14NBASan Antonio Spurs*6220.756Won FinalsG. Popovich (62-20)K. Leonard (7.7)
2012-13NBASan Antonio Spurs*5824.707Lost FinalsG. Popovich (58-24)T. Parker (9.3)
2011-12NBASan Antonio Spurs*5016.758Lost W. Conf. FinalsG. Popovich (50-16)T. Parker (7.1)
2010-11NBASan Antonio Spurs*6121.744Lost W. Conf. 1st Rnd.G. Popovich (61-21)M. Ginobili (9.9)
2009-10NBASan Antonio Spurs*5032.610Lost W. Conf. SemisG. Popovich (50-32)T. Duncan (10.9)
2008-09NBASan Antonio Spurs*5428.659Lost W. Conf. 1st Rnd.G. Popovich (54-28)T. Duncan (10.1)
2007-08NBASan Antonio Spurs*5626.683Lost W. Conf. FinalsG. Popovich (56-26)M. Ginobili (11.1)
2006-07NBASan Antonio Spurs*5824.707Won FinalsG. Popovich (58-24)T. Duncan (13.0)
2005-06NBASan Antonio Spurs*6319.768Lost W. Conf. SemisG. Popovich (63-19)T. Duncan (10.8)
2004-05NBASan Antonio Spurs*5923.720Won FinalsG. Popovich (59-23)T. Duncan (11.2)
2003-04NBASan Antonio Spurs*5725.695Lost W. Conf. SemisG. Popovich (57-25)T. Duncan (13.1)
2002-03NBASan Antonio Spurs*6022.732Won FinalsG. Popovich (60-22)T. Duncan (16.5)
2001-02NBASan Antonio Spurs*5824.707Lost W. Conf. SemisG. Popovich (58-24)T. Duncan (17.8)
2000-01NBASan Antonio Spurs*5824.707Lost W. Conf. FinalsG. Popovich (58-24)T. Duncan (13.2)
1999-00NBASan Antonio Spurs*5329.646Lost W. Conf. 1st Rnd.G. Popovich (53-29)T. Duncan (13.0)
1998-99NBASan Antonio Spurs*3713.740Won FinalsG. Popovich (37-13)T. Duncan (8.7)
1997-98NBASan Antonio Spurs*5626.683Lost W. Conf. SemisG. Popovich (56-26)D. Robinson (13.8)
Provided by Basketball-Reference.com: View Original Table
Generated 1/25/2018.

Key 8Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment.  The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."

"Become totally absorbed in your work.  Be totally committed."

The Eighth Key to Personal Power by Brian Tracy is commitment which is staying focused and totally absorbed in your work. It is important to be able to commit to things because if you can stay fully focused on whatever you want, anything is possible. Anything you want to aspire to be, if you devote all your time and become fully absorbed as Brian Tracy says, you will find that you can get whatever job or occupation you want, if you put the time necessary. A real life example of this ability to commit and put full dedication to their craft is Kobe Bryant. Bryant is a 5-time champion, 19x NBA All-Star, 4x ASG MVP and 1 time NBA MVP. Bryant did not earn this achievement by being lucky or being a product of a system. Bryant poured hours upon hours of practice to get to the unstoppable state he was at. If he wanted to learn a new move that he could put in his endless bag of tricks, give him one off-season and he revolutionize it. Bryant gave his life to the pursuit of basketball excellence he is the definition of becoming absorbed in his work. He never went on vacations with his family during the off-season, he knew he could be practicing instead. He had only sat games when he absolutely couldn't continue. Kobe would sleep 3-4 hours a day so that he could have even more time to practice his craft. This work ethic landed him as one of the greats. If you could even become a fraction as absorbed in your work as Kobe Bryant, you would become amazing at what you could accomplish.

Key 9Courage

"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."
The Ninth Key to Personal Power by Brian Tracy is commitment. Which best is described as the fear of nothing. However do not fail to recognize how important it is to know the risks associated with something. These are two different things. Keeping those thing in mind but not letting them stop you is the best method to approach all things in life. If you think you're going to fail then you're probably going to fail. That is why you should not let the pressure crack you and keep pushing and not fear failure. One real life example of someone not being afraid of failure is Steve Jobs, founder of Apple. In the tech world, every official release is a risk. One might buy too many units and have unhappy customers while having to much units you will lose money. Jobs was a true innovator, not scared of taking a chance for each release. First it was the Apple II, a home computer with typography never before seen. Windows had already made their way onto the market. Steve did not back down. Then it was the iPod. A digital mp3 player taking on the giants of the Walkman. Then the iPhone, the most revolutionary Apple product to be released a touch screen smartphone? At its release in 2009, a phone like that was one of luxury. Now it seems as it is one of necessity since at least 1/5 people have one. Steve was walking a tightrope and every release was a gust a wind that could possibly knock him down. But Steve remained cool and collected and had courage to not let it affect him. 

Key 10Confidence

"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."

The Tenth and Final Key to personal power by Brian Tracy is to have confidence. Confidence is when you are able to do anything without the fear of failure or rejection. You know these things are a possibility but they do not stop you from your pursuit. Very similar to courage but courage is not having fear of the unknown. You don't know much about what you're getting yourself into. But having confidence means you have done something enough to know that you should not be scared of uncertainty. You know what you are capable and are confident that everything will be alright in the end. You do not need to stress or worry about anything because you know how to handle any thing life throws at you. The greats of any field have mastered this because they perform on a night to night basis and don't crack under the pressure. Sports icons, musicians, and many other occupations, if they are great at what they do, they are confident in what they do. People like Steven Spielberg, Brian Wilson are confident in what they do. They know how successful they have been and no matter what they are confident in their ability. Steven Spielberg didn't just have one movie or genre he did for his entire career. He has ventured out and beyond his comfort and familiarity zones and has done movies about time travel, bringing dinosaurs back to life, aliens, and so much more. Spielberg had the confidence to try these things only because he was comfortable in what he was doing.

Write a final all-encompassing reflection about the 10 Keys to Personal Power. How can they benefit you?  Which keys are you applying now, and what difference are they making in your life? How will you incorporate the other keys into your Life Planning plans?

After reading and writing about these 10 keys to personal power I can confidently say that these keys are important to being a successful person. Brian Tracy's mission from the beginning is to inform others on how to be successful by following these Ten Keystones.It becomes noticeably more and more clear to you as you receive the tenth keystone. Once you receive the 10th keystone as I have. You will have a complex and cohesive understanding of each and every key as they all work together for you to see the bigger picture and understand just why Brian Tracy was so adamant to share these keys. Supplemented with each quote, was a clip from the actual seminar that Brian Tracy once shared these keys. It becomes very clear to anyone that Brian Tracy is serious and joyous to share these keys as he has seen them at work. Brian Tracy said he studied for many years on how he has seen these keys in the most successful people. During most clips from his seminar, Tracy says the successful people he studies have the traits he talks about. Such as in concentration where Tracy says "the most successful people know that you must consistently and constantly work" not work in big chunks and then rest for just as long.Tracy always begins with "the most successful people have..." and depending on his keystone, he would say. So ultimately, these 10 keys are important because of how passionate Brian Tracy is about them and how he has seen how great people are imbued with them.


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