Police Detective and investigators

Criminal Investigator and Detective

Duties and Responsibilities: Criminal investigators and detectives sometimes referred to as agents or special agents gather facts for crime investigations. They compile evidence by observing suspects, interviewing witnesses and suspects, and examining physical evidence. If there is sufficient evidence, they will formally charge a suspect with a crime. Detectives and criminal investigators often take part in arrests or raids. These law enforcement professionals usually specialize in different crimes, such as homicide, drug trafficking or fraud.

Education:  A career as a detective or criminal investigator often begins with police officer training. Usually, experience as a patrol officer for up to two years is needed before being considered for a detective or criminal investigator position. Requirements vary depending on the department or agency, but many seek candidates with at least two years of college education. A four-year degree is preferred by many state and local agencies, and mandatory for most federal jobs.

Salary Starting salary of 30,000 a year which can increase to nearly 70,000


Reflection :  I would like to be a crime-scene investigator because I am interested in criminology and would like to be in the field.


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