My Summer

       My summer was not what I expected it to be, but I still enjoyed it. Instead of relaxing at home and probably relaxing too much, I worked at school. It was interesting to see how the school functions and works behind the scenes. I had seen places of the school that I had known few eyes had seen. Such as the IDF rooms, and the hallway behind the stage. That wasn't it though, through my experiences, I had come across and encountered many people of which I have seen before, but had never held a conversation. This was great for me though because although I had attended this school the previous semester, I had reached an extent of comfort and causality in the school which I previously thought of as unheard of. I had met and got to know many different individuals and characters.

     In the off days of work and following hours after work were uneventful as I had exhausted many of my hours playing video games. Which I am not ashamed of as the great John Lennon said "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."  Although now I wish I had spent that time doing something to grow my own character and person.

    One thing that I had experienced was laser tagging which is as geeky as it sounds. It was an overnight event held by an organization my family frequents. I personally am not with the organization as I do not agree with their stance on quite a few things. But as the saying goes "No one becomes a better person by doing nothing." So I tried to use this experience as a way to build character considering all the time I drained playing video games. It was a learning experience as I learned I do not like laser tagging and I came to acquaintance with the results of people playing a 20 minute session of laser tag in a non-air conditioned room. Not fun. But I knew I had to put that behind me and just enjoy the moment. Something I regret not doing many a time before.

   Finally, the summer although not as exciting for some people as they would want it to be. Was A great time for myself.


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