Freelance Post 1: Random thoughts

As of yesterday, I was displeased with the new Weezer song that came out at 9:15AM that I waited until lunch to listen to. I experienced the song at lunch which may have been a factor in my unamusement. I was unimpressed with with the musical and lyrical work, not that they were complete flops but as the past two Weezer albums had been phenomenal. I was expecting great things that were better than those said albums. It is my fault really, how long can someone continuously impress you. I should be disappointed but no one other than myself. In general though it is an alright song, one particular lyric that kept me up at night though was " She asked 'what the heck do you do with your hands when you're singing do you just hold onto the mic?" As if anyone should be asking this question to Rivers Cuomo. Other than that, once again, I am excited for the new Weezer album coming out soon. So much that I preordered the bundle that comes with the CD, Vinyl, Shirt, and Keychain. I have no impulse control for weezer. But I see no problem that since I pirate or listen from spotify most of their old music anyway. The only album of theirs I have bought were the Blue and White self-titled albums. Which are their two newest albums.

I am excited for this school year because I want to be the best person I can be, not only emotionally and physically, but academically and psychologically. I WILL be taking on the task of an AP World, Algebra 2, Honors English, and still make the basketball team. It is no easy task but I will do it. Last year as I explained in a different post, was filled with a lot of non-enrichment time. Just time living in autopilot basically. This year I will live.


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